
news 11 from 19 to 19

Presentations shown during the conference Creative Community Planning

Please find attached contributions to the international conference Creative Community Planning which took place in Pilsen from the 5th till the 7th of November 2009.

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Sign up for Creative Cities Email Newsletter

Are you interested in news about Creative Cities Project implemented by the British Council and Future City Game method which was developed within the project? Sign up for Creative Cities Email Newsletter to receive monthly updates…

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Summary of Gamemaster workshop

Please find attached the summary of Gamemaster workshop which was part of the international conference "Creative community planning". The summary was work out by Neil McInroy from the Centre for Local Economic Strategies - CLES (UK).

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Evaluation of the conference Creative Community Planning

How did participants like the conference Creative community planning? Did the conference meet their expectations? Do they think it was a high quality conference? Just this information you could find in this article…

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Pictures of the tour around the Světovar area

Visit the picture gallery of the tour round the Světovar area and creative workshops, which were part of the international conference “Creative community planning” organised in Pilsen (Czech Republic) from the 5th till the 7th of November 2009. Pictures are made by Jan Dienstbier.

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Pictures of the conference Creative Community Planning

Visit the picture gallery of first two days of the international conference “Creative community planning” organised in Pilsen (Czech Republic) from the 5th till the 7th of November 2009. Pictures are made by Jan Dienstbier.

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Presentations of Future City Game case studies

Would you like to know how realisations of Future City Games in Europe look like, where was the game played and who was involved to it? Then, look at case studies of Future City Games presented during the conference “Creative community planning”…

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The Creative Community Planning conference blog

Visit the blog of the conference “Creative community planning”. Share your opinions. Discuss... The blog is available at

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About us - Centre for Community Organising

Please find a short profile of "Creative Community Planning – European Citizen Network” project leader – the Centre for Community Organising West Bohemia (Czech Republic).

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sent mail print
The Centre for Community Organizing West Bohemia Program 'Europe for Citizens' Programme British Counsil project Creative cities managed by British Concil oficial web of city Plzeň Dodo is a dynamic, modern environmental organisation that avoids black-and-white views of the world. Centre for Local Economic Strategies

(c) 2009 www stránky a

Cenntrum pro komunitní práci, západní Čechy

Americká 29, 301 38 Plzeň

Česká republika