Future City Game in Pilsen
Future City Game in Pilsen
Future City Game in Pilsen
Future City Game in Pilsen
Future City Game in Pilsen
Future City Game in Pilsen
Future City Game in Pilsen
Future City Game
Future City Game in Pilsen
Future City Game in Pilsen
Future City Game in Pilsen
Future City Game in Pilsen

Future City Game

The Future City Game is a team-based process designed to create new thinking and actions to improve quality of life in cities.

The Future City Game

enables people to find solutions to the long-term challenges facing cities. It is played during a two-day event by city inhabitants from diverse backgrounds, representing various disciplines and led by a trained games-master. The aim of the game is to generate the best idea on how to improve the quality of life either in a specific area within a city, the city as a whole, or in response to the common challenges facing cities around the world.

Players compete in teams to design, test and present their ideas to a group of city stakeholders, professionals, residents, and each other. The games-master leads the players through three stages - envisioning, testing and presenting - giving the players a set of tools to help them to work together and with stakeholders, develop ideas, and present their findings. At the end of the game, the ideas are presented to the local stakeholders. Everyone involved votes on the best ideas and thinks about how they can be taken forward in the city once the game has ended.

The Future City Game stimulates new thinking in cities about ways to address the global changes resulting from globalisation, migration, climate change, security, and social needs, encourages wider participation, and facilitates partnerships between organisations and individuals to make cities better, happier, healthier and more prosperous; and it creates a dialogue between the public sector and the inhabitants of the city.

To date, the Future City Game has been ‘played’ all across Europe, from Glasgow to Ljubljana. The list of past games you cloud find here.

The unique and innovative methodology

for the Future City game was developed by the British Council and our UK partners (CLES – Centre for Local Economic Strategies; URBIS – Manchester’s Centre of Urban Life), and examines, explains and celebrates city life.

For more information visit Future City Game official web page at http://creativecities.britishcouncil.org/future_city_game.


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The Centre for Community Organizing West Bohemia Program 'Europe for Citizens' Programme British Counsil project Creative cities managed by British Concil oficial web of city Plzeň Dodo is a dynamic, modern environmental organisation that avoids black-and-white views of the world. Centre for Local Economic Strategies

(c) 2009 www stránky Hanja.eu a pevat.com

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