
Creative Community Planning - European Citizen Network project

Welcome to the CREATIVE COMMUNITY PLANNING – EUROPEAN CITIZEN NETWORK project web page. Project is implemented by the Centre for community organizing (Czech Republic), international organization British Council and not-for-profit organizations CLES - Centre for Local Economic Strategies (United Kingdom) and Dodo ry (Finland).

This project is funded with the support of the "Europe for Citizens programme" of the European Union. This web page reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

The aim of the project

is to create the network of European citizens and European civil society organizations and city representatives who actively participate in community planning of municipalities using Future City Game (FCG) method. The project consists of:

  • Three-day conference taking place in Pilsen. The conference will be focused on exchange of good practice in the field of creative community planning and effectiveness of FCG method (methodology unification, innovation and creativity support, intercultural dialogue support etc.).
  • Creating common project website – Forum of European citizens interested in Future City Game.
  • Creating, publishing and distributing summary publication about the project and FCG method.
  • Creating, publishing and distributing FCG Catalogue - DVD with the best ideas from different countries, presentation of realized Future City Games, examples of good practice.

The project will contribute to intercultural dialogue and sharing of experience, opinions and values between European citizens. It will reinforce citizen participation in strategic planning on local and European level.

Information about the "Europe for Citizens programme"

is available on the European Commission webpage and Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency web page.

For more information about the Future City Game

please look at Future City Game section.

sent mail print
The Centre for Community Organizing West Bohemia Program 'Europe for Citizens' Programme British Counsil project Creative cities managed by British Concil oficial web of city Plzeň Dodo is a dynamic, modern environmental organisation that avoids black-and-white views of the world. Centre for Local Economic Strategies

(c) 2009 www stránky Hanja.eu a pevat.com

Cenntrum pro komunitní práci, západní Čechy

Americká 29, 301 38 Plzeň

Česká republika
